Friday, January 2, 2009

30 Questions Haha

Can't you see that I'm bored??got this from Kerry

1. Corona, Heineken or Budweiser
- umm..I don't drink beer that much but if I were to choose, Pyro's Draft Beer!
2. Flowers, Candy, or Card
- flowers
3. Beer, Wine, or Mixed drink
- Mixed drink
4. Early to bed, Early to rise, Late to Rise
- Late to Rise- wrong grammar?hahaha
5. Football, basketball or baseball
- I'm not much of a sports fan,
6. Internet, Radio, or TV
- Internet
7. Kiss, Hand Holding, or Hugs
- hugs
8. Buy, Borrow, or Lease
- Buy
9. Ford, Chevy, or Dodge
- Chevy
10. Cheese Burger, Pizza, or Salad
- Cheese Burger! hopefully with bacon,mushroom,grilled onions and a fried egg!!!!!yumm
11. Car, SUV, or Mini-Van
- I want a SUV!!hi daddy. joke. contented na ako =)
12. Email, Telephone, or Letter
- Cellphone.haha
13. California, New York, or Florida
- New York? Never been to any of these places
14. Cheater, Straight Shooter, or Rule Bender
- Rule Bender
15. Private, Public, or Semi-Private
- Semi-Private
16. Kisses on the Neck, Stomach, or Ears
- Umm..kisses on the hand or forehead.hahaha!
17. Morning, Afternoon, or Night
- Afternoon.
18. Animal House, American Pie, or Old School
- Haven't watched the others yet, just American Pie
19. Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, or Mandy Moore
- Britney!
20. Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Halloween
- Christmas
21. Coke, Pepsi, or Sprite
22. Friends, Lovers, or Enemies
- Friends
23. Jr. High, High School, or College
- High School and College
24. Beach, Mountains, or Desert
- Beach
25. Cookies, Cake, or Brownies
- Cake--molten dark chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream!
26. March, July, or October
- March. (Bakit pati ito pinapapili??)
27. Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner
28. Giver, Sharer, or Keeper
- Sharer??hahaha
29. Eyes, Nose, or Mouth
- Mouth+Teeth haha
30. Friends that lie, Enemies that pretend to be your friend, or Alone
- I'd rather be alone.

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